Since the 25th of May 2018, the GRDP regulations (law applicable within European Union) is protecting your private online datas and the datas from your users. This law tends to reinsure users the rights they have regarding private datas treatment and usage.
Qwesteo is respecting those obligations, as responsible for the use and the collect of personal datas with our collectors.
As a Qwesteo customer, you provide your email address, full name, phone number and your company name.
As you are in the rights to know how your datas will be treated, we wish to clarify a couple of points :
When, our application users collect personal datas from their customers, they are responsible for the use, but Qwesteo's role is limited to save and classify those datas.
If our application users collect personal datas, they are also obligated to respect GRDP compliance. In that case, Qwesteo has done everything for them to be in good standing with the law.
We offer the following warranties :
Qwesteo has been developing a specific functionality requesting consent in case any personal data has to be collected.
Each question that collects personal datas is paired with a yes/no question which requires a consent from user. A checkbox labelled to accept personal datas collection has be checked.
This request is mandatory on certain types of questions such as coordinates, email address, address... and must be custom based on datas' final use.
Informative messages can be found all around the application for the user to be aware.
We make sure to remind that in specific contexts, it is forbidden to collect "sensitive" personal datas in Qwesteo's questionnaires.
For more information about Qwesteo's GRDP compliance, do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].
Have you completed a questionnaire on Qwesteo feedback tablet? Click here to exercise your rights regarding personal data collection.